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Your upgrade to Melodyne 5 assistant

All you need for professional vocals

In all modesty, Melodyne is the standard for vocal editing. And with Melodyne 5 assistant, you finally have all Melodyne’s tools for it in your hands!

Only US$149.

What the upgrade brings you

14 invaluable tools for professional vocal editing! Why it’s worth upgrading to Melodyne 5 assistant – a swift summary of the best features. 1:15 min.

Vocal editing with assistant

The tools make all the difference – Melodyne expert Rich Crescenti shows how, with Melodyne assistant’s precision tools, you can edit every detail of your vocals to the highest professional standards.
Film 1 14:48 min., Film 2 16:02 min

Opt now for even better vocals!

  • Grammy Award-winning technology
  • the algorithms Melodic (with Sibilant Detection), Percussive and Universal
  • the complete Melodyne toolkit
  • macros for optimizing intonation, timing quantization, and leveling
  • the Chord Track and Chord Grid with automatic chord recognition
  • tempo detection
  • inspectors for quick access to all parameters
  • full compatibility: ARA, VST 3, AU, AAX, stand-alone

Your upgrade to Melodyne 5 assistant – only US$149

Tools mean …

  • Intonation: Four separate tools to govern the pitch center, vibrato and pitch drift within notes and pitch transitions between them. In this way, you can make precise, musical and, if you wish, undetectable improvements to notes, phrases or entire performances that are out of tune.
  • Timing and phrasing: Four tools to determine the position, duration and attack speed of notes, as well as warping within them. For perfect expression.
  • Dynamics: Four tools governing amplitude, amplitude transitions, fades and the volume of sibilants and breath noise – better and more precisely targeted than any de-esser.
  • Tone color: One tool to shift the formant spectrum and another to adjust formant transitions. Influence, as subtly or drastically as you like, the timbre of each voice or instrument.
  • Workflow: With inspectors that let you fine-tune every parameter and a separate Undo history for each tool, you retain a clear overview of all changes and can experiment without risk.

These tools are all you need for the professional editing of vocals.

Why this upgrade?

Melodyne assistant is right for you, if:

  • Feel like you can get even more out of your vocals
  • You want to optimize their intonation without tuning the life out of them
  • Other aspects of your vocals – such as their timing, dynamics or tone colour – also need improving
  • You like your audio editing intuitive and musical, rather than abstract and technical

Melodyne assistant is wrong for you, if:

  • You don’t believe in fine-tuning or editing recordings in post-production
  • You want the typical artifacts of pitch-correction tools rather than a natural sound
  • You want more Melodyne still – such as the ability to edit polyphonic instruments as well, or an even more user-friendly multitrack workflow. In this case, we recommend Melodyne 5 editor or Melodyne 5 studio.


Satisfaction guarantee: With Melodyne assistant, your vocals will be better than ever before, of that we’re absolutely convinced. If you aren’t satisfied, you’ll get your money back.

Maintenance guarantee: For over 20 years, we’ve been maintaining and improving Melodyne, and adapting it to new standards as well as new versions of operating systems and DAWs. We will continue to do so, to ensure your Melodyne serves, inspires and gives you an edge for years to come.

Price difference guarantee: If you like Melodyne assistant but decide later that you want still more functions, upgrading to one of the larger editions of Melodyne will cost you no more than if you’d purchased that edition in the first place.

Opt now for even better vocals!

  • Grammy Award-winning technology
  • the algorithms Melodic (with Sibilant Detection), Percussive and Universal
  • the complete Melodyne toolkit
  • macros for optimizing intonation, timing quantization, and leveling
  • the Chord Track and Chord Grid with automatic chord recognition
  • tempo detection
  • inspectors for quick access to all parameters
  • full compatibility: ARA, VST 3, AU, AAX, stand-alone

Your upgrade to Melodyne 5 assistant – only US$149