Melodyne 5 studio is the complete Melodyne. All Melodyne’s technologies, all its functions, all its possibilities. With it, you can edit all instruments with the greatest ease and are equipped to meet every challenge posed by day-to-day studio production.
Only US$299.
Your upgrade to Melodyne 5 studio – only US$299
Melodyne studio is right for you, if:
Melodyne studio is wrong for you, if:
Satisfaction guarantee: With Melodyne studio, your productions will be better than ever before, of that we’re absolutely convinced. If you aren’t satisfied, you’ll get your money back.
Maintenance guarantee: For over 20 years, we’ve been maintaining and improving Melodyne, and adapting it to new standards as well as new versions of operating systems and DAWs. We will continue to do so, to ensure your Melodyne serves, inspires and gives you an edge for years to come.
Your upgrade to Melodyne 5 studio – only US$299